cli command


cli get
cli set cli_flavor


The cli command permits getting and changing the current parser at runtime.

cli get

It shows the current value of the parser used by the CLI.

cli set

It permits setting the value of the parser used by the CLI.

Possible values are old and modern. Note that, to use a specific parser its code should have been compiled, that is to say you need to enable the corresponding CONFIG_HUSH*. Otherwise, an error message is printed.


Get the current parser:

=> cli get

Change the current parser:

=> cli get
=> cli set modern
=> cli get
=> cli set old
=> cli get

Trying to set the current parser to an unknown value:

=> cli set foo
Bad value for parser name: foo
cli - cli

cli get - print current cli
set - set the current cli, possible values are: old, modern

Trying to set the current parser to a correct value but its code was not compiled:

=> cli get
=> cli set old
Want to set current parser to old, but its code was not compiled!

Return value

The return value $? indicates whether the command succeeded.